Energy transition

The Jänschwalde Innovative Storage Power Plant

Technology combinations such as the Innovative Storage Power Plant (ISPP) in Jänschwalde describe the path to a renewable and climate-neutral energy supply that is secured around the clock. The Innovative Storage Power Plant is an important signal for Lusatia to develop sustainable and future-oriented energy and industrial sites here. Beyond the region, it can become a blueprint for flexible future power plants in the energy transition.

Transformation through technology

In a broader sense, the Jänschwalde site includes the current lignite-fired power plant, neighbouring industrial areas and the Jänschwalde opencast mine. In the coming years, wind and photovoltaic plants of our green GigawattFactory will be built on the former mining areas. Thus, we are making a significant contribution to achieving the expansion targets for renewable energies in Germany. The gap that renewables cannot yet close in meeting electricity demand must be covered by other power generation. This makes Jänschwalde a perfect location for the Innovative Storage Power Plant. We combine conventional with renewable technologies, storage capacities and hydrogen.

At Jänschwalde energy site we want to produce green hydrogen. If there is more solar and wind power available than is currently needed, we use it for electrolysis and store the hydrogen produced. It can be used for industrial purposes and as a climate-neutral fuel in the mobility sector, among other things. In addition, there are thermal storage capacities planned in which renewable electricity surpluses can be stored as heat. Hydrogen and heat storage could also feed an H2 gas and steam turbine plant (CCGT) in the future. The Jänschwalde ISPP is thus able to provide secure power on an industrial scale, also on the basis of CO2-free electricity generation.

Contribution to security of supply

Overarching goals of the Jänschwalde Innovative Storage Power Plant:

  • closing supply gaps after the coal phase-out and during the transformation of the energy system
  • smooth out fluctuations in electricity generation from renewable energies
  • store and use surpluses of solar and wind power for continuous secure supply

We are aiming for a continuous reduction of CO2 emissions and want to be able to produce climate-neutral electricity at a site where lignite has been used to generate electricity for decades. The Jänschwalde ISPP also builds a bridge between the electricity industry and other sectors such as heating, transport and industry. Their demand for green energy and green gases is also increasing (sector coupling). The Storage Power Plant has a modular design for this purpose.

Flexible, secured performance combined ...

  • with green electricity for feeding into the electricity grid, supplying companies or producing green hydrogen.
  • with green heat from electro-thermal storage units optional for feed-in into district heating grids and for the supply of process steam
  • with green hydrogen for the supply of industries (e.g. green steel, synthetic fuels) and mobility (e.g. H2 filling stations) or for feeding into the future hydrogen network and as a building block for the nationwide fuel switch from natural gas to hydrogen

Project status and technical concept

The approval process for the complex project has already started. We submitted the permit application to the responsible authority, the Brandenburg State Office for the Environment, in May 2023.We are aiming for commissioning at the end of the 2020s.

The basic prerequisites for project realisation include near-term connection to necessary pipeline infrastructure, market and investment incentives as well as a suitable funding framework.

The modular structure at a glance

Module 1
CCGT Plant

gross capacity: approx. 900 MWel
efficiency: approx. 62 %
fuel requirement: approx. 1,445 MW

Module 2
Electro-thermal energy storage

capacity: approx. 1,000 MWh
charging capacity: up to 135 MW
charging time: 10 h
discharge capacity: up to 165 MW
discharge time: 7.5 h

Module 3
Electrolysis plant:

charging capacity: approx. 40 MWel
H2 production: 660 kg/h
H2 storage capacity: 12 t
charging time: approx. 15 h
discharge time: approx. 8 h